Category Archives for Blog

Working With the Infinity WordPress Theme

The Infinity Wordpress theme was featured on Smashing Magazine last week and had a great setup for a portfolio style site as the theme uses thumbnails as visual representation for all your posts/pages. “The theme was designed by Zhang Yichi, the creative mind behind Vikiworks Studio from Shanghai, China especially for Smashing Magazine and its readers.” I decided to visit Zhang Yichi’s site and leave a comment of how great this layout was, didn’t read through the comments but noticed the last two comments on how to add a link to the navigation for a “About” page. I gave my input but after I posted, a reader named “inty” brought up an issue when trying to open any page created when using this theme. Continue reading

15. August 2008 by Gabe Diaz
Categories: Blog | 82 comments

Easy Transparent PNG Fix for IE6

Why did I choose PNG vs GIF?
GIF files will allow for a transparent background, but PNG files will allow for transparent backgrounds as well as altered opacity values. Continue reading

05. August 2008 by Gabe Diaz
Categories: Blog | 8 comments

First Impressions: Brightkite

I received an invite to the other day and first impressions are that it’s a pretty cool idea. Think of the messaging of a twitter/plurk but based more around your current location. So instead of just putting your current status you also “check in” to where you are. There’s a search field on every page, where you go in and type out the location of where you are, wether you know the exact address or just the zip code the search will return your location where you can “check in” if you want and see what activity is going on around you. Continue reading

01. August 2008 by Gabe Diaz
Categories: Blog | Leave a comment

Redesign, WordPress Powered

4th version of my site is proudly powered by a Wordpress backend. For now I still need to make major updates across the board but I felt that I should start to slowly let things go live because if I wait any longer I may never get this up and running. Continue reading

29. July 2008 by Gabe Diaz
Categories: Blog | 6 comments

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